My Goods

I’m on Minted❤️

My Bonney Woods wrapping paper is up on Minted and available in 3 colorways. I’m so excited!!

It looks amazing and this gift wrap is strong. Like line your drawers strong. And it’s amazing for craft projects. Coordinating gift tags are also available.

Go check them out


Blueprint 2018

Things are finally settling down around here… well, not really but I have some time to post about Blueprint. I’ve been looking forward to this tradeshow all year and it didn’t disappoint.

With all of my marketing materials and designs I headed to NYC. Blueprint is so easy to set up for. Instead of a booth, you have tables with banners behind you.

It was so much fun to meet clients, old and new and plenty of hopefuls 🤞🏼 I even met Lilla Rogers ✨ That was definitely a highlight. She enjoyed taking a peek at my sketchbook. Eeek!

Besides eating lots of yummy food, I also enjoyed some hotel time at the Yotel. I would for sure stay there again.

It was a more successful show for me than last year. I’ve grown so much as an artist/designer and learned so much about the biz. My work was well received and I’m excited for the future. I’d call that a success💪🏼

It’s always fun to travel but it feels so good to be back home. Until next year NYC!

friends · going places · sewing

Quilt Market 2015!


Oh My Goodness! I did it! I had my first booth at the International Quilt Market in Houston. Crazy. I packed up my gear and my two little girls and off we went. Well… it wasn’t quite that easy but pretty close.


My bestie and I have romped the aisles of Quilt Market for half a dozen years and now it’s time to cross it off the bucket list! It was surreal to be behind the scenes and actually doing it. I am beyond blessed to have such an encouraging husband and a friend willing to help me lasso a dream.

So here’s my booth:

IMG_5095[1]A few things: I had the smallest available, 6×10, and it was just right. One of the best pieces of advice was to drive my display if possible. It is so much more less expensive than shipping it to the convention center. Hence, the display created from industrial pipe and wood(soon to be reconstructed into a new cutting table for the studio).

IMG_5113[1]I was so ridden with anxiety before the show! As an artist and crafter, I spend much of my creative time alone and it felt so good to put myself out there and feel all the LOVE. Ziggy was a hit! I had 3 intentions for this show. 1) Exposure for my sewing patterns to quilt shops 2)Exposure to sewing pattern distributors 3)Exposure as a surface designer for collaboration opportunities. I put myself out there and now it’s time to “pound the pavement” with everything that I learned and reach out to people that I’ve met on this wild ride!

IMG_5142[1]So glad that I showed up for myself in this way! I don’t know what I would, or could, have done differently. I put my heart+soul into the preparation and had so much fun being there. I am so giddy with excitement about the possibilities that this show has opened up to me. EEEK! I still can’t believe that I did it!!


inspiring sites

the art and business of surface pattern design.

For the past several weeks, I have enjoyed taking an introductory course on surface pattern design. I stumbled on it when I was searching for craft business mentoring, craft related retreats, creative seminars- something, I was searching for something. I have been feeling a lack of focus on where I am headed with my business and creative direction. I came across Make It in Design’s Design School page. I researched it obsessively, looking at past alumni and everything they had to offer. I was hoping it would offer me an opportunity to put all of my creative energy into one place and let me be creative again with blinders on, so to speak. And that is exactly what it did for me.

It took a back to basics approach. Go outside. Find beauty and what inspires you. Now go recreate that in various forms. It is remarkably easy to forget that and so reinvigorating to recapture. This class brought me back to sketching, looking at things in new ways and finding unexpected beauty.

I am old school. I would rather write with a pencil than a keyboard. The thought of working in Photoshop and Illustrator was paralyzing. That’s what my husband is for! He builds my website, turns my scribbles into sewing pattern booklets and everything else I need. I’m lucky to be checking email! Depending on him has handicapped me and made me lazy to learn. This course slowly gets your feet wet in these applications and allows you to gradually build on what you are learning. The pace was just right for me.

I am looking forward to the upcoming modules of this course. I have learned so much and have enjoyed being a part of the wonderful community that it has provided.
