Holidays! · painting · Uncategorized

Who’s getting ready for Valentine’s Day?

I am! I love a gift that is perfect to show all year round. I’ve been working on these goodies to show at an upcoming tradeshow. If my wishes come true, you’ll see them on some goodies in a shop one day. My dreams will work if I do…

feed me!! · Holidays!

upcycled candy heart cupcakes.

How much fun can you have with a blow torch and some leftover mini candy canes? More than one would think!

Unwrap the candy canes and place them up against each other in a heart shape. Place them on a surface that can not only withstand the heat but that has a nonstick surface. I used a baking sheet with a silpat mat placed on top of it.

Gently heat up the joining points of the candy cane heart. If you place direct heat in any one spot for too long it will discolor. Immediately push the joining points together until set.

You can place it on an iced cookie or hang it up with ribbon. I like mine simply placed on a yummy cupcake!

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!