reincarnate::giving old things new life:: · sewing

a stitch in time: a quilt story.

I had the honor of finishing a beautiful quilt started by my sweet aunt’s late mother. Her mother had done several coordinating quilt blocks all done by hand. Such elegant little stitches showed the love and hardwork that had been put into these squares.

These squares were aged from time and one of them had been left in a hoop over the years causing yellowing. The only solution I could come up with was to tea stain the entire quilt top to hide the discolorations.

I spent alot of tea and time to test my strips for just the right color and timing. It was a little scary to put this one of a kind piece into a vat of hot tea but it had to be done!

It’s done! So amazing how designs from decades ago are still poular today. I loved examining all of her sweet little stitches and thinking that one day I might take a turn at quilting by hand… someday.